Kali’s Kāvya – Poetry
“Verses woven from devotion, longing, and the eternal dance of transformation.”
Kali’s Kāvya is a sacred collection of poetry, inspired by the Sanskrit tradition of Kāvya—lyrical compositions that blend profound meaning with aesthetic beauty. Rooted in devotion, longing, and the rhythm of the soul, these verses serve as offerings to the divine. Each poem carries the essence of transformation, reflecting the interplay of shadow and light, destruction and rebirth, silence and song. This is poetry as prayer, as invocation, as the language of the heart’s unfolding journey.
Aham Vayu, Aham Akasha (अहम् वायु, अहम् आकाश)
Meaning: I am the wind, I am the sky.
The Flight Home.
-Kali Grayce
Trapped in this body, like a bird in a cage,
Repressing emotions—anger and rage.
I clipped my own wings, now I’m too scared to fly,
I sing my own song, yet it sounds like a cry.
A little lost bird, she flies on her own,
No nest for her rest, no place to call home.
She needs a soft place to land,
Some birds of a feather,
To remind her how these wings work
And take flight together.
A moment of comfort
Is all this bird will require,
So she can open her wings
And start to soar higher.
There is no need to force—
The wind has her back.
When she lets go and lets God,
This bird finds her track.
She has trust in the ether,
The unseen hand that will guide,
For it is in the unknown
She finds the strength to fly.
May these words be carried by the winds of fate, guided by the divine