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Fear, Courage, and the Nudge to Be More Intentional

I wasn’t planning on spending too much time on Instagram—just a quick scroll to check out something inspiring. But before I knew it, I got pulled into the reels vortex. That’s when I came across something that caught me off guard: a reel warning that people born on the 28th are prone to bad luck during travel, car accidents, and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It stopped me in my tracks. As someone who already has a fear of car accidents—something I can’t always control—it hit me harder than it should have. And there I was, in India no less, at the very start of this sacred journey I’ve been dreaming of for so long. For a moment, anxiety tried to take over. I thought, Why did I have to see this? Was it a sign?

But as I sat with it, I realized something important: that reel wasn’t a message about my fate. It was a reminder to stop giving my energy to fear. A reminder to stop mindlessly scrolling and instead come back to the present, to trust myself, and to stay intentional about how I use my time and energy. That moment became an opportunity to choose courage, even in the face of my own overthinking.

Courage Is the Theme of This Journey

This entire trip is about stepping into courage. Booking the flights, trusting the unknown, saying yes to growth—it’s all a practice in courage. But what I’m learning is that courage doesn’t just show up in the big, bold moments. It’s in the little, everyday choices, too. Like choosing trust over fear. Presence over distraction. Intention over scrolling aimlessly through content that drains me.

That reel brought up a lot of old fears. But it also gave me a chance to practice the very thing I came here for. It asked me to lean into trust, to remind myself that I am safe, and to affirm that fear doesn’t get to write my story.

Why Did I See That Reel?

At first, I wondered why I’d even stumbled across such a specific message—about accidents, travel, and being “in the wrong place.” It felt like a cruel cosmic joke. But now, I see it differently. That reel wasn’t a sign of danger; it was a mirror. It reflected something I was already carrying: my fear of the unknown and the discomfort of not being in control.

In a way, it felt like the universe nudging me, asking, “Are you paying attention to where you’re putting your energy? Are you staying aligned with your intention, or are you letting distraction and fear pull you off course?”

That shift in perspective changed everything. It wasn’t a warning; it was a wake-up call.

What This Moment Taught Me

Here’s what I took away from this experience, and what I’m holding close as I move through the rest of this journey:

1. Social Media Is a Tool, Not a Trap

I wasn’t scrolling with intention. I wasn’t looking for connection or anything meaningful—I was just zoning out. And when we engage with social media unconsciously, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the energy it carries. Going forward, I’m choosing to use it mindfully and only when it adds something positive to my day.

2. Fear is Just a Test of Courage

Seeing that reel wasn’t a curse or a sign—it was an invitation to practice courage. Fear will always show up, especially when we’re stepping into something new. But courage isn’t about never being afraid; it’s about choosing to move forward anyway.

3. Presence is Everything

Fear thrives when we’re stuck in “what if” scenarios about the future. When I ground myself in the present—here, in India, on this sacred journey—I take my power back. The present moment is safe. The present moment is enough.

4. I Am Guided and Protected

I came to India trusting that Kali Ma is guiding me. I believe she’s clearing my path, protecting me, and helping me grow stronger. That reminder helped me let go of the fear and return to trust.

From Fear to Gratitude

Instead of letting that fear linger, I’m choosing to see it as a lesson. A nudge to stop scrolling aimlessly, to come back to myself, and to stay present in the magic of this journey. Because the truth is, I am exactly where I need to be. I am safe. I am supported. And I’ve worked too hard to let fear—or a random Instagram reel—steal my joy or my power.

So, if you’ve ever felt shaken by fear—or if you’ve caught yourself zoning out on social media and absorbing energy that doesn’t serve you—I hope this reminds you of your strength. You don’t have to let fear run the show. You don’t have to give energy to things that pull you away from your purpose. Every moment is a chance to choose courage, trust, and alignment.

With love & gratitude,

Eve aka Kali Grayce



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